Lives and works in South-East London, UK.
2013 - BA (Hons) Fine Art, Chelsea College of Arts, London
2010 - Foundation (drawing), Camberwell College of Arts, London
2004 - BTEC Theatre Production, The BRIT School, London
2002 - GNVQ Art and Design, The BRIT School, London
Awards / Programmes
2024 - A-N Artists’ Bursary
2019 - Aesthetica Art Prize 2019 (longlist)
2018 - Oppenheim-John Downes Memorial Trust
2017 - London Creative Network (LCN), SPACE Studios
Selected Exhibitions
Bainbridge Open, ASC Gallery and Project Space, London
Summer Exhibition, Royal Academy of Arts, London
Covid-induced hiatus
Summer (Winter) Exhibition, Royal Academy of Arts, London
Woolwich Contemporary Print Fair, London
Affordable Art Fair Battersea, London
Movement, Tate Modern, London
Affordable Art Fair Battersea, Artichoke, London
166th Annual Open Exhibition, RWA, Bristol
Wells Art Contemporary, Bishop’s Palace & Gardens, Somerset
250th Summer Exhibition, Royal Academy of Arts, London
Bainbridge Open 2018, ASC Gallery and Project Space, London
neo:Proof Print Exhibition and Exchange, neo:gallery23, Bolton
Woolwich Contemporary Print Fair, Bainbridge Print Studios, London
Bainbridge Print Open Studios w/Turps Banana and ASC Studios, London
Affordable Art Fair Battersea, with Artichoke, London
London Creative Network Showcase, SPACE, London
Cyanotypes: Beyond the Blue, Don't Take Pictures (online), USA - Link
Bainbridge Print Open Studios w/Turps & ASC Studios, London
Shape Arts' 40th Bonanza, Platform Southwark, London
164th Annual Open Exhibition, RWA, Bristol
Spectrum, PS Mirabel, Manchester
Alienation, The Ground Floor Gallery, New York, USA
Alienation, James Oliver Gallery, Philadelphia, USA
Salon des Refusés, SPACE, London
163rd Annual Open Exhibition, Royal West of England Academy, Bristol
Bainbridge Print Open Studios w/ASC Studios and Gallery, London
Hundreds and Thousands, Lubomirov / Angus-Hughes, London
Summer Salon, Angus-Hughes Gallery, London
Little Mountains, Embassy Tea Gallery, London
2013 and earlier
Undergraduate Summer Show, Chelsea College of Arts, London
Transitions, Triangle Space, London
Points of Connection, Kingsland Road Studios, London
Send Me a Postcard Darling, Red Gate Gallery, London
Effra Collective, Sun and Doves, London
Gesture, Chelsea College of Arts, London
Foundation Final Show, Camberwell College of Arts, London